Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7/8- last full day of class

"Last day working in class... first run on the small blocks, not so successful, however we'll try again with the help of Josh and hopefully it will work better. Right now we are just kind of waiting I suppose for Josh to help us with the blocks. Alia brought the constructed head block today which looks great, seeing them all together in a 3d format makes the large scale of our project seem even more impressive. I am so ready for this project to be finished though, so we can enjoy Dubai without worrying about getting these projects done. We are having lunch delivered today as well as exchanging gifts...what an exciting day! Oh yea, I just shot a screen of my cowgirl..she's really creepy looking and ghostlike."
"On another note, Emily, Maya, and I just went to the coffee bean to go get food. Emily and I both were wearing short sleeve shirts, this is quite a difference from our first day in class when Laila stressed the inappropriateness of wearing such scandalous clothing(while she was wearing a rather low cut shirt). Even after 3 weeks here I am still not sure about things like haggling, dress code, proper conversation ect. I feel like most people I ask have different answers, though I suppose it is similar in the states(as far as the different views on such topics). It's going to be kind of weird going home and hanging out with my friends who swear make obscene jokes..and never make me tea."

Okay, well these pictures are not from today...but they are some more examples of us working and the progress we are making:

Silk screening and preparing our boards...

Oh, I forgot we all had pizza at lunch, we tried to kinda tried to serve the Emeraties but they would have non of that

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